We Crash and We Burn Into Flames Stick Ourself Back and We Do It Again

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Washington B.C.
Then There Were ten


Speaker Dialogue
Nosotros open in outer space. A massive brownish ship is attacking a much smaller teal ship, somewhere out near Jupiter. Within the large send:
Drone Lieutenant Hull harm: twenty percent, weapons system'southward still operational.
Vilgax I have come too far to be denied. The Omnitrix shall be mine, and there is not a being in the milky way that dares stand up in my way!
Meanwhile, on Earth. Ben Tennyson is seen sitting in school, crafting a newspaper air-airplane, proceeding to throw it at the dorsum of his teacher'southward head.
Teacher (Gasps.)
Teacher looks back at Ben, poorly pretending to read his book, smooshing his confront in between the pages.
Theme Plays

Act 1

Speaker Dialogue
Clock ticking every bit Ben is waiting for the bell to band
Ben (Looking at the clock.) Come on... Come on...
Teacher And I simply want to remind you all that I will be teaching summer school this yr, and it's not besides late to sign upward!
Ben Yeah, right. (the bell rings.) Yes! Outta here!
Teacher Everyone, have a expert vacation, and I hope to see you all once more in the autumn.
Ben walks towards the classroom door.
Instructor Benjamin, could I take a word with you earlier you get? (holds upwardly Ben'south paper air-plane.)
Ben huffs and walks over to the teacher'southward desk-bound
Meanwhile, outside. Cash Murray and J.T. backs Jamie to a tree
Cash Murray Normally, we'd take your money and beat you up. But since it's the terminal mean solar day of school, we're going to give you a break. Now fork over the cash, so nosotros can get out of hither.
Ben Get out him alone!
J.T. Get lost, shrimp.
Ben I said, back off!
Cash Murray Oh, looks similar we got us a hero. Suppose nosotros don't wanna back off?
J.T. What are ya gonna practise about it, Tennyson?
The iii stare intently, then Ben runs towards them triumphantly.
Ben and Jamie hung up on a tree co-operative by their underwear, as a squirrel squeaks and scarpers off.
Jamie (sarcastically.) Thanks a lot.
Ben I was simply trying to assistance.
Jamie Next fourth dimension you lot wanna play hero, make sure yous can back information technology up.
Max (pulls up in Rust Bucket.) Come on, Ben, let's go! Nosotros're burning daylight. I wanna to make information technology to the campsite by nightfall.
Ben Uh, Grandpa? A piddling help here?
Ben gets on the Rust Saucepan
Ben (referring to the camping ground trip.) I have then been looking forward to this!
(Notices Gwen sitting downwards at the table.)
Ben What are you doing here? (to his Grandpa.) What is she doing here?
Gwen Take it easy, dweeb. This wasn't my idea. Somebody convinced my mom that 'going camping for the summertime would be a proficient experience for me'.
Ben Grandpa, please. Tell me you didn't...
Max I thought it would be fun if your cousin came along with us this summer. Is... that a trouble?
Ben and Gwen say nothing only look at 1 another.
Rust Bucket pulls away from finish, revealing information technology's license plate
Ben and Gwen bicker at each other
Ben (bickering with Gwen.) Aw, I can't believe information technology. I wait all school year to proceed this trip, and now the queen of cooties is along for the ride.
Gwen Hey! I had my ain holiday already all planned out too, you know? (pulls out her schedule.) Each activity is color-coded, so I never exercise the same thing two days in a row.
Ben is surprised.
Gwen Now, I'g stuck with my geekazoid cousin going camping ground for three months.
Ben (at Gwen.) Geek.
Gwen (at Ben.) Jerk.
Max (to himself.) Something tells me information technology's gonna be a long summertime...
The Rust Bucket driving out of Bellwood onto Route 66
Later in the day, the trio of Tennysons gathered in the woods around a tabular array-bench.
Max (Bringing out a bowl of nutrient to the kids.) Chow time!
Max plops down a bowl of still-wriggling worms, to Ben and Gwen's disgust
Ben (looking at the basin.) Okay, I give up. What- is that?
Max "Marinated mealworms". Hard to find them fresh in the States. You know, they're considered a delicacy in some countries?
Gwen ...And totally gross in others?
1 of the worms falls out the basin and crawls on the table
Max If these don't audio skilful, I've got some smoked sheep'southward natural language in the fridge?
Ben Urgh. Couldn't nosotros simply have a burger or something?
Ben and Gwen smiling at Max
Max Nonsense. This summer'due south gonna exist an adventure for your gustatory modality buds. -I'll grab the natural language.
Ben (to Gwen.) Okay, I got a half-eaten pocketbook of corn chips and a candy bar in my haversack. What'd you got?
Gwen Some rice cakes and hard candy.
Ben Think we can make them last the whole summertime?
The two sulk together
(Vilgax's ship continues attacking the other, blasting lasers into the hull of it.)
Drone Lieutenant Their propulsion systems have been destroyed.
Vilgax Fix to board! I desire the Omnitrix, at present!
(The ship getting chased primes a laser blast and fires, directly hitting Vilgax's control room, blasting him across. But immediately after the warship retaliates, blasting the ship to pieces. Out of those pieces, a small pod ejects down into Globe's atmosphere.)
(Ben and Gwen sitting. Ben is playing his handheld videogame while Gwen is typing away at her laptop.)
Max Who wants to roast marshmallows?
(The two go on, no response.)
Max Okay, um… How 'bout nosotros tell scary stories?
Ben Scarier than having to spend a summer with your freak of a cousin? (laughs to himself.)
Gwen I'd similar to, Grandpa, but I'k decorated doing a web search on cures for 'extreme doofus-ness'. Nothing yet, Ben, but permit's not requite up hope!
Max Aww, come on y'all two. We're all in this together. You lot tin can mope around like this all summer, or we tin can take some fun. Now whadd'ya say?
Gwen I vote for moping.
Ben I'm gonna take a walk. Smell ya around, Gwen.
(Ben walks into the woods.)
Max I, uh, call up they're starting to abound on each other.
(Ben, walking, easily in his pockets.)
Ben Aw, man. This is gonna be the worst vacation e'er. I might as well take gone to summer school.
(A meteor shoots across the sky and catches Ben'due south eye.)
Ben Whoa! A shooting star!
(The "shooting star" instantly changes form, aiming directly for Ben.)
Ben (Gasps.)
(Ben starts running abroad. The shooting star crashes behind him, the shockwave launching Ben and sending smoke and debris in the air. As it clears, Ben looks on at it, getting to his feet for a closer expect.)
Ben Looks like a - satellite or something.
(The falling star's white-hot calorie-free fades. Ben leans in at the edge of the crater, merely the ground he's standing on crumbles below him, sending him sliding downwards. Ben gets up; he now has a full view of the pod. Information technology opens itself before him, and a green light in the shape of an hourglass shines from it.)
Ben ...A watch?
(Light extends from the hourglass, revealing it is fastened to a cylindrical watch-like device (the Omnitrix).)
Ben What's a watch doing in outer infinite?
(Ben smiles to himself, stepping closer to the pod, outstretching his arm to grab information technology. As he does the Omnitrix leaps from the pod and onto his wrist, latching itself to Ben.)
Ben Ahh! Get off me! Get off, get off!
(Ben frantically tries ripping the Omnitrix off his wrist, to the point of losing residuum and falling over. He quickly climbs out of the crater and starts running.
Ben (screaming.) Gramps!
(Back at the trio's army camp.)
Max Hm. Ben's been gone a while. Well, I approximate he can't get into as well much trouble out here.
Gwen Unless he wound upwards bear nutrient. (Max turns to Gwen.) Hey I can dream, can't I?
(Ben tries to pry the Omnitrix apart from his wrist with a stick, but the stick breaks, angering him. He falls to his knees in defeat, and starts fumbling with the device. He accidentally hits a push button on it and it'southward faceplate springs up.)
Ben Whoa. (he glances effectually the woods. the faceplate's hourglass morphs into a diamond encasing a black silhouette.) Cool!
(Ben looks downward at the faceplate, and his eyebrows raise earlier pressing it back down. Ben suddenly finds himself in a void, cherry rocks spreading across his skin, transforming him into something else. He emerges from the void, now a burning rock monster.)
Heatblast (Ben) Ahh!

Act 2

Speaker Dialogue
(Heatblast screaming in the forest.)
Heatblast Aaah! I'thousand on burn! I'thousand on burn!
(He begins to calm down.)
Heatblast Hey... I'm on burn down --and, I'm okay... Check it out. I'thousand totally hot. (Ben snickers at his own joke.)
(Ben turns to meet a tree behind him that he tin exercise his new abilities on.)
Heatblast Oh aye, uh-huh. Here goes!
(Slinging his wrist, Ben shoots a fireball out of his hand, bravado a branch off the tree entirely.)
Heatblast That's what I'm talking virtually.
(Betwixt his easily, Ben creates a larger fireball.)
Heatblast 'Liking it!...
(Ben slings the fireball, unexpectedly through three copse instead of one, causing a fog of fume around him. Ben'south smile drops every bit he sees the fire created by him spreading to other copse.)
Heatblast Wait! Stop! ... Uh-oh.
(Ben runs to the fire, and tries stomping out a flame with his fiery feet, only for it to erupt into a larger one.)
Heatblast Oh man, I am gonna get so disrepair for this.
(Max sitting by a campfire outside the Rust Saucepan, as Gwen walks out, seeing the smoke from Ben's escapades in the altitude.)
Gwen What'due south that?
Max (Getting upwardly.) Looks like the start of a woods fire. We better let the Rangers' Station know. Probably some darn fool camper out at that place, messing around with something he shouldn't.
(Max pauses, before he and Gwen come to a realization.)
Max Ben!
(Max quickly opens a camping-kit and grabs two fire-extinguishers, passing one to Gwen.)
Max Improve accept this!
(The ii encounter the Forest towards the smoke overhead.)
(Ben is continuing trying to put out the burn, unsuccessfully.)
Heatblast This would be and then cool, if information technology weren't so-- not absurd!
(Gwen putting out fires by spraying the extinguisher. Up until she shoots it at Heatblast's back, causing him to turn effectually to look at her.)
Gwen (Screams.)
Heatblast Look, I know I await weird, but at that place's no reason to be scared-
(Gwen clobbers Heatblast round the head with the extinguisher, knocking him downwardly. When he tries to get upwardly, Gwen sprays him, knocking out the flames surrounding his stone-similar head for a cursory moment.)
Heatblast Hey! (Coughs.)
Gwen I don't know what yous are- only you lot'll stay down there if y'all know what'due south good for you!
(Ben staying downwards, gestures to Gwen'southward shoe, setting a small flame on information technology with a chuckle.)
Gwen Ow! (Hopping on one foot until she extinguishes the small flame.) I warned you lot! (raising the extinguisher in a higher place her caput.)
Heatblast Don't even think about it, freak!
Gwen ...Ben? Is that you? What happened?
Heatblast Well, when I was walking, this meteor brutal from the sky and near smudged me, except that wasn't a shooting star or a satellite, but this cool picket thing that jumped upward onto my wrist, and when I tried to get it off, I suddenly was on fire, simply it didn't hurt when I was accidentally starting this mega woods fire.
Max (Running upwardly.) Gwen, are you alri- (sees Heatblast.) What in blazes?
Gwen Hey, Grandpa, gauge who?
Heatblast (Waving.) Information technology'south me, Grandfather!
Max Ben? What happened to you?
Heatblast (Repeating himself.) Well, when I was walking, this falling star…
Gwen (Cuts Heatblast off.) Erm, excuse me? Major woods fire burning out of control, call up?
Heatblast What practice we exercise?
Max (Thinking.) Backfire. Start a new fire and allow it burn down into the old burn down. They'll snuff each other out. Think you can do it, Ben?
Heatblast Shooting flames? I can definitely practise.
(All three run out. Ben finds trees some distance abroad, so shoots them with a blast of fire, causing a new blaze.)
(A Yosemite Park Ranger comes beyond the burnt out forest.)
(Up above the Earth, Vilgax'due south ship has a damaged bridge, and an incredibly mutilated Vilgax is in a stasis tank.)
Vilgax (To Drone Lieutenant.) What do you mean it'due south not there? This battle virtually costs me my life! --And you say the Omnitrix is no longer on board the transport?
Drone Lieutenant Sensors betoken a probe was jettisoned from the transport, but before boarding. It landed on the planet below.
Vilgax (To some other nearby drone backside him.) Go. Bring information technology to me.
(The drone, enshrouded in darkness, walks off.)
(The trio eating marshmallows by the fire, Heatblast having just explained to Max.)
Max And you say that this watch "just jumped up and clamped onto your wrist"?
Heatblast (Catches marshmallow that Gwen throws to him.) Hey, this time it wasn't my fault, (Marshmallow stuck in his mouth.) I swear!
Max I believe you lot, Ben.
Gwen Think he'due south gonna stay a monster forever?
Max He's non a monster. He'due south an alien. (Heatblast and Gwen stare at him inquisitively.) I-I mean, wait at him. What else could he exist?
Heatblast Aye, I don't wanna exist 'fire guy' forever. How am I supposed to play Piddling League this autumn if I charcoal the ball every time I catch a pop fly?
Max Don't worry, Ben. We'll figure this affair out.
(The Omnitrix on Heatblast's chest beeps reddish 5 times, then lets out a blinding light towards Max and Gwen. When they open their eyes, Ben is standing in front end of them, human and all.)
Ben (Looking at himself, elated.) Hah! I'm me again!
Gwen Aw, too bad. I liked you meliorate when y'all were a briquette.
Ben (Gone back to trying to rip off the Omnitrix.) I still can't get this thing off.
Max Ameliorate non fool with it anymore until we know exactly what we're dealing with. I'll go bank check out that crash site. You guys stay hither until I get dorsum.
(A pod shoots from Vilgax's ship above orbit, landing deep in the woods, adjacent to the Omnitrix'south pod. Revealing itself as a gigantic robotic drone (and the shadowed one from earlier), it scans and promptly disintegrates the pod in the crash site, and ejects smaller flight drones from it'southward shoulders to go observe the watch.)
(Ben fiddling with the Omnitrix.)
Ben Hmm... I wonder what this does.
Gwen (Surprises Ben from behind.) Caught ya! (Laughs.)
Ben (Mimicking Gwen's express mirth.) Very funny. Like your face.
Gwen (Ben continues.) Granddad said not to mess with that thing.
Ben Yeah? And then, what's your bespeak?
Gwen Did your parents drop you when yous were a infant?
(Ben is biting at the faceplate.)
Ben Come up on. You tin can't tell me you aren't a little fleck curious what else this matter can practise?
Gwen (Turns her head abroad.) Non in the to the lowest degree.
Ben You certain you're related to me?
(Max observes the crash site.)
Max (Picking upwards a piece of metal debris.) I don't like this one little chip.
Ben (Still talking with Gwen.) Look. If I can figure this thing out, maybe I tin can assistance people. I hateful, actually help them. Non simply, you know, make things worse.
Gwen So, what did information technology feel like going all alien like that?
Ben It freaked me out at first. It was similar I was me, but it was also like I was somebody else- (the faceplate springs upwardly like before.) Hey, I call back I figured out how I did it. Should I try information technology once again? Just once? (He turns the dial and new silhouettes appear.)
Gwen I wouldn't.
Ben No duh, yous wouldn't.
(Ben slams down the punch. This time, he's turned into an orangish beast with claws and fur. Wildmutt. He roars tenaciously.)
Gwen (Looking at Wildmutt, currently drooling from the mouth.) Ew! This thing's even uglier than you are normally! Hah, wow, put a flea neckband on this mutt!
Wildmutt (Roars.)
Gwen And no eyes? What good is this 1? Information technology tin't see! (She notices the marshmallow stick in her hand and smiles with an idea in mind.)
Gwen silently moves behind Wildmutt, blows on her hands and winds up her stick, getting ready to hit him with it. Before she does, Wildmutt's "gills" on his cervix open up, alerting him similar radar. Wildmutt dodges her swing by jumping onto the top of the RV, grin smugly.)
Gwen Okay. So maybe information technology'southward not a total loser. (Wildmutt jumps back downward in front of her, slobbering.) Ew, 2 words: 'breath', 'mints'.
(Wildmutt kicks dirt at her and leaps/runs abroad into the forest.)
Gwen Become back here! Ben! I'g gonna tell Grandpa that you turned into some freaky-animal-monster-matter and went swinging effectually the woods when he told yous not to! (realizing what she simply said.) -Oh, this is a majorly weird day.
(Wildmutt swings across from tree to tree. He stops on i before sensing 1 of Vilgax'southward drones targeting him, leaping away earlier it can shoot him. He leaps to other trees, evading the pursuing drone's lasers. He'south able to sneak out of it'south sight, leap upward behind it, land on top of it, and rip off it'southward laser arm and "caput". The Omnitrix starts timing out as the drone's body is headed direct into the side of a cliff. Wildmutt leaps off before it crashes and transforms back into Ben.)
Ben (Looking at the crash.) Yes!
(A 2nd drone arrives, looking downwardly at him.)
Ben Oh, not expert...

Human activity 3

Speaker Dialogue
(Equally the drone has Ben in its sights, Gwen hits it with a shovel and saves Ben.)
Gwen Ugh! Dorsum off Sparky! No flight tree-trimmer is going to injure my cousin! (Angrily hits the drone some more.)
Ben Never thought I'd say this, just am I glad to come across you.
(The drone starts sparking. Ben and Gwen run away before it explodes.)
(The trio of Tennysons are sitting in the RV as Max scolds Ben.)
Max I was worried that you might go popular with that thing on your wrist. That'south why I asked yous not to fool effectually with it until we know what the heck it is.
Ben Lamentable, Grandpa... But at to the lowest degree I figured out how to make information technology piece of work. All you do is press this button. So, when the ring pops upwards, only twist it until you lot run into the guy you wanna be. Slam information technology down, and bammo! You're ane of ten super-absurd alien dudes!
Gwen What about staying a super-cool alien dude and not transforming back into manifestly old pizza-face?
Ben I- kinda haven't figured that office out nevertheless.
Max With a device equally powerful as that scout clamped on you, my guess is we better help you learn, fast.
Ben All right!
Ranger (A man'south voice over radio.) Mayday! Mayday! Somebody aid united states of america! Nosotros're under set on by some sort of - I know y'all're not going to believe me, but… robot!
Ben Sounds just like those things that attacked me. Must be looking for the watch. Those people are in trouble because of me! I recollect I can help them.
Gwen Er, you? What are you lot gonna do about information technology, Tennyson?
(Ben looks downward at the Omnitrix.)
(Ben, Gwen, and Max all go into the woods for Ben'south transformation. The Omnitrix beeps and lights up in standby. Ben looks to Max, who nods in approval.)
(Primes Omnitrix dial.) Yeah. (Starts turning Omnitrix.) Eenie, meenie, minie… (Skipping over the ones of Ghostfreak and Stinkfly, selects the silhouette of Diamondhead.) here goes!
(Ben presses in the Omnitrix and transforms into Diamondhead.)
Gwen (Referring to Diamondhead.) And so what can this guy do?
Diamondhead (In a deep voice, with his crystals clanking together at every motility.) I don't know, (Ben looks at his manus earlier clenching it.) just I bet it'south gonna be cool.
(The trio go far to run into Vilgax's gigantic drone attacking a army camp full of RVs and people screaming.)
Diamondhead Looks like papa-robot this time. (To Grandpa Max.) I'll go gearhead'southward attention, you lot guys get the campers to safety.
(Max and Gwen run off. Diamondhead'due south optics glow, and he runs towards the giant robot as it grabs the Park Ranger, as he'southward helping 1 of the campers left behind, with the others running off screaming.)
Diamondhead Leave him alone! You desire somebody to pick on? (The robot is scanning him and sees the Omnitrix.) Endeavor me.
(The robot drops the Park Ranger and blasts Diamondhead abroad. He lands in an RV, which the robot also immediately blows upwardly. Ben is underneath information technology, simply manages to cut himself out with his at present-turned-to-bract arm.)
Diamondhead (He examines his arm and produces tiny spikes from it.) Cool...
(The robot starts walking towards Diamondhead. Diamondhead's eyes glow and he decides to test out his new blade arm and set on with it. The robot jumps in the air to avoid it, spinning information technology's iii legs and falling down on to Diamondhead.)
Diamondhead (At present trapped nether.) Uh-oh. 'Think I'yard in trouble.
(Max and Gwen save the ranger.)
Ranger (Screaming civilians and fire all effectually them.) What is going on here?
Gwen You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you lot. At present come on.
(The ranger hesitates as Gwen and Max run off, but runs once the giant robot throws Diamondhead into his truck, merely barely missing him.)
(As Diamondhead is dodging various laser blasts a stray one hits a tree, causing it to autumn downward exactly where Gwen is continuing. Gwen stands, broad eyed, every bit the tree before her splits perfectly in two and falls to her sides. Diamondhead is in front of her, having grown a mount of spikes out of his back to cutting it.)
Diamondhead (As his spikes are retracting.) So, we even?
Gwen (Nods.) Even.
Diamondhead (The robot all of a sudden grabs his unabridged body with one hand.) Uh-oh!
(The robot lifts Diamondhead up and grabs his left arm, where the Omnitrix would've been on Ben, with it's other hand. Diamondhead struggles and destroys it'southward mitt with spikes, and so the robot (because it'south laser is on it'due south palms) simply shoots Diamondhead away with the other mitt.)
Max (As Diamondhead lands into a building.) Ben!
(Ben gets up and tries using his arms to block the side by side blast. He does momentarily, equally the light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation reflects off his arms, sending split beams to fly in all directions. Notwithstanding, Diamondhead can't hold it and is pushed back; only now, on the footing, he gets an idea.)
Diamondhead (Getting upwards as the robot approaches.) C'mon! Burn one in here! (He points to his breast, goading the robot into readying another shot.)
Max Get out of there. Run!
(The next shot fires and Ben holds his palms up to it. He is all the same pushed back by information technology a little, simply he's now gotten the hang of reflecting the robot's lasers.)
Diamondhead "What comes around, goes effectually." Allow's see how yous like it, ya techno freak!
(Diamondhead cuts the behemothic robot in one-half with the reflected laser blast, destroying it.)
Gwen & Max All right!
Max Style to go, Be- (The saved campers stare at the two.) ...um -- Diamond-headed guy!
Diamondhead Oh yep! Who'due south bad?! (Jumps up and downward.) Yes!
(Gwen and Max silently endeavor to wave at him to make him notice the people, and then milkshake their heads in embarrassment when he does.)
Diamondhead (Trying to save face.) Well, I… think my piece of work here is done. (He then jaunts away.)
Camper (To the remainder.) Who was that guy? (Gwen and Max quietly tiptoe away, leaving them shrugging to eachother.)
(Vilgax's ship is being repaired by drones.)
Vilgax (Having plant out what happened to his drone.) Failure?! Unbelievable! The puny Globe beingness that is keeping the Omnitrix from me- will soon hang on my trophy wall.
(Gwen and Max packing upwardly.)
Max Where'due south Ben?
Gwen I haven't seen him since breakfast.
(Max hears a distant sonic boom, before it'due south source immediately arrives in front of him.)
Max Ben?
XLR8 Yep. -Hey, check this out! (Uses super-speed to break campsite and pack the baggage in record time.) Pretty fast, huh?
(The Omnitirx times out; XLR8 turns back to Ben.)
Ben I recall this is gonna be the best summertime always.
Max Absolutely.
Gwen It's definitely going to be interesting. And then, where'd you get anyway?
Ben Just had to accept care of a couple of things before our holiday actually got rolling.
(Greenbacks and J.T. are hung on a tree by their underwear.)
Cash Murray Dude. How'd we become up here?
J.T. Uh, I'g not certain. It all happened then fast.
Cash Murray (To passing cars.) Hey, somebody? Anybody? Little assist upwardly here, please!
Credits Play
Ben ten Transcripts
Season 1 So There Were ten • Washington B.C. • The Krakken • Permanent Retirement • Hunted • Terminal Laugh • Kevin 11 • Tourist Trap • The Alliance • Lucky Girl • A Pocket-size Problem • Side Furnishings • Secrets
Flavour 2 Truth • The Big Tick • Framed • Gwen ten • Grudge Match • The Galactic Enforcers • Ghostfreaked Out • Ultimate Weapon • Camp Fear • Tough Luck • They Lurk Below • Dr. Animo and the Mutant Ray • Back with a Vengeance
Flavor 3 Midnight Madness • Ben 10,000 • A Change of Face • Merry Christmas • Benwolf • Game Over • Super Alien Hero Buddy Adventures • Nether Wraps • Monster Conditions • The Unnaturals • The Visitor • The Return • Be Afraid of the Dark
Flavor 4 Secret of the Omnitrix • Perfect Day • Divided We Stand • Don't Drink the Water • Big Fatty Conflicting Wedding ceremony • Ben 4 Good Buddy • Set to Rumble • Ken 10 • Goodbye and Skilful Riddance • Ben 10 vs. the Negative ten: Part ane • Ben 10 vs. the Negative 10: Office 2
Movies Ben 10: Race Confronting Time • Ben 10: Destroy All Aliens


Source: https://ben10.fandom.com/wiki/And_Then_There_Were_10/Transcript

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